Along with the new decade comes a new way of working out.

Americans are working out harder than ever, but not necessarily smarter. With a growing number of bootcamps, boutique studios and interval cardio classes popping up around the country, fitness fanatics have more options than ever in the workout space.
And with tools like ClassPass, the means of executing any workout you want is pretty much endless. But with all the evolution in ways to sweat, the recovery methods aren't keeping up.
Eric Owens, the co-founder of Delos Therapy, insists that maintaining muscle pliability should be as routine as your bi-annual dentist appointment or yearly physical. With five locations (and growing) across Chicagoland, Delos Therapy is filling the global gap of rehabilitating the muscles in a more effective way than practicing your toe touches.
In fact, Owens explains that static stretching, a.k.a. focusing on one limb to stretch for an elongated amount of time, is an antiquated way of soothing sore muscles. Rather than flexibility, pliability allows the body to work out harder without the consequences of stiffness, tightness or worse, injury.
At Delos, trained therapists identify and isolate locked muscle tissue while methodically and carefully pushing into it from multiple angles. With this technique, muscle pain is more specifically addressed and in turn, clients can prevent injury and work out harder with faster results.
"The opposite of disease is not healthy,"Owens points out. Carving out time for your body to recover is not the luxury it once was; it's not a massage. Rather, it's the responsible way to experience a full body work out and the effects are remarkably evident among professional athletes and desk-bound workers alike.
While consumers are looking to magic mattresses or tailored shoes to solve their pain problems, Owens reminds us that long runs and funky sleep positions didn't disease us as children; and therefore, the human body can deal with the same as adults. It's about how we manipulate our muscles to handle it.
Gliding tightened calves with a foam roller or following outdated stretching routines are simply not specific enough to identify and isolate problem areas. It's only with a trained therapist on a regular basis that marathoners, beginners and seniors alike can add longevity and effectiveness to their normal fitness routines.
Delos Therapy isn't the only hot spot for regular exercisers and resolutioners in Chicago.
GOAT Climb & Cryo is the first and only studio in the city which offers classes on the VersaClimber. With a range of motion similar to crawling, climbing is a hot trend in fitness right now that's capturing attention for its terse, yet effective workout.
Lindsey Williams is a co-founder of the River North studio and insists that climbing is a great option for people who want to avoid cardio while still reaping the benefits of a hard-earned sweat. The 30-minute workout also protects your spine, which can be an overlooked prerequisite.
Like Delos, GOAT also emphasizes the importance of recovery. Offering cryotherapy, Normatec compression therapy and infrared sauna sessions, the cutting edge studio is eager to educate their clients on the benefits of maintaining your health in-between workouts so every sweat is better than the last. By using the above measures to keep your body rested and ready, Williams assures that energy goes up while inflammation goes way down.
Like the growing buffet of fitness options, recovery options are the next rising trends of wellness. It's time to get responsible and thoughtful about your workout regimen in 2020 and Chicago is on the leading edge of technology for it.
To learn more about therapy sessions and muscle pliability packages at Delos Therapy, check out or call 312-600-7716.
To learn more about VersaClimber classes and recovery methods, check out or call 312-643-1144.